Serious Kidney Illness: A critical health issue and how to tackle it.
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Kidney Health

Kidney Illness develops when Kidneys are no longer able to filter properly. Let us look at how Kidneys gradually lose their functionalities. Kidneys constitute Nephrons, basic functional units of Kidneys that are responsible for all the filtering actions. Generally, our food involves a lot of sugar and fat. The primary function of our Kidneys is to filter out the excess fat and sugar from the body. However, if the levels of Sugar and Fat are high, the Nephrons start deteriorating with time. A time comes when Nephrons completely lose their ability to filter waste and become dysfunctional. Damaging of Nephrons marks the beginning of Kidney Illness. Kidneys stop filtering waste, do not retain proteins like Albumin which is necessary for your body. As a result, the overall metabolism of the body is imbalanced. What follows is an inductive effect on other organs as well. Kidney illness also affects Gut Microbiota, a group of micro-organisms living in the digestive tracts. Gut Microbiota is responsible for the digestion of food, producing vitamins and maintaining the immunity of the body.
According to an article by Sección de Nefrología, Hospital Da Costa, Burela (Lugo), España titled “Gut microbiota in chronic kidney disease.”, CKD helps the pathogenic flora to grow and reduces good microbiota. CKD is a critical health issue for which proper awareness is necessary.
Few of the Symptoms of Kidney Illness are:
- Fatigue, weakness, lack of energy and pale skin due to anemia
- Loss of appetite, nausea, and vomiting
- Frequent urination, especially at night
- Fluid retention, swelling around legs and eyes
- Itching
- Headaches
- Numbness in feet or hands due to peripheral neuropathy
- Disturbed sleep
- Altered mental status
- Restless legs syndrome
- Chest pain due to inflammation around the heart
- Shortness of breath from fluid in the lungs
- Easy bruising, bleeding and poor blood clotting
- Bone pain and fractures
- Decreased sexual interest and erectile dysfunction
- Change in energy level or strength
- Lightheadedness
- High blood pressure – (although high blood pressure is a sign and not a symptom, it can lead to symptoms)
The above list is enough to convince anyone that Kidney Illness is a serious health issue and requires precautionary measures.
Following are a few things that can be adapted in your lifestyle to defeat kidney Illness:
- Eat a healthy Diet: Eat fiber-rich food, avoid oily and sugar-rich foods, including more fruits and vegetables.
- Drink Water: Water strengthens Kidneys by helping them filter waste more efficiently. Water also re-vitalizes your body.
- Avoid Alcohol and Smoking: Smoking and Alcohol are two dangerous vices. They are capable of rupturing the immunity and vitality of the body.
- Exercise and have a healthy weight: Exercising keeps a check on your weight and eliminates harmful toxins. Toxins get concentrated in the body and need removal from time to time. Exercising helps in minimizing toxins.
- Know your Family’s health history: Some Kidney Illness can pass on from one generation to another generation. Knowing the health history of your family makes you aware of your chances of having a problem with your kidneys.
In conclusion, Kidney Illness is one of the worst emerging health issues of our times. Many people suffer from it. Proper care with good precautionary measure can keep it at bay.

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