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Healthy Weight Loss Tips for Kidney Patients
Article posted in: Kidney Health

Image of a weight loss plan for healthy lifestyle

There are many reasons why a person with kidney problems would choose to lose weight. For one, obesity often leads to complications like high blood sugar and high blood pressure. Both conditions can either create kidney problems or worsen them. Instead, use these healthy weight loss tips for kidney patients.

Weight Loss Tips for Kidney Patients

Don’t be fooled by fad diets and diet pills. These weight loss methods can be dangerous, and, many times, you gain the weight back as soon as you stop. Try these healthy weight loss tips instead. 

Eat 3 Regular Meals a Day

Speaking from personal experience, skipping meals can easily cause binging later on. If you miss meals, you may find yourself starving while enjoying the evening. It’s the end of the day, so you are already decision fatigued, meaning your ability to make healthier choices is diminished. You’ll be more likely to eat a bag of junk food. Rather, try to eat at least three balanced meals a day. (1)

Don't Be Afraid to Snack

All that said about decision fatigue doesn’t mean you should not snack. The key is to choose healthy snacks. We may crave chips and candy, but our bodies don’t need it. So, prepare a few healthy snacks ahead of time and munch on those instead of riffling through the cabinets. Try the following snacks listed below. ⬇


Apples, Blueberries, Grapes, Raspberries

Carrot Sticks, Red Bell Peppers, and Cucumber

Low Fat Spread, Low Sodium Crackers, Rice Cakes, and Non-Salted Pretzels. (2)

Increase Fruit and Vegetable Consumption

Naturally, eating healthy includes eating plenty of fruit and vegetables. Be sure to speak with your healthcare professional regarding your potassium intake, as this will help you determine which fruits and vegetables are best for you. 

Log It for Kidney Health

Know what you eat! Logging will help you understand portion sizes as you’ll see calorie, fat, carbohydrates, and even sodium intake per item logged! View this as a learning tool and not something to make you feel bad or to patrol your food intake. 

Slow Down for Weight Loss

Eat slowly! You’ll consume less and feel fuller! Don’t rush. Savor each bite of food and really enjoying the experience. This also applies to your weight loss journey in general. Take your time and don’t overdo it as you may cause injury or further health complications. (3)


If you are new to exercising, consider a mixture of aerobic, strength, and flexibility exercises five days a week. In the beginning, the most important thing is to create the habit of exercising. Start with 5-10 minutes a day at the same time and work up from there. 

Walking and swimming

Squats, Standing Wall Push Ups, Toe Raises, and Seated Row

 Yoga and Stretching (4)

The Weight Loss Tips for Kidney Patients Take-Away

Remember to be kind to yourself and your body! Also, always consult with a qualified healthcare professional before making any changes to your exercise or diet routine. 

(1) How to lose weight with chronic kidney disease – information for patients. (2019). Retrieved from

(2) Snacks for a Kidney Diet. (n.d.). Retrieved September 01, 2020, from

(3) Ulerich, L. (2017, May 19). 5 Weight Loss Tips for Those with Kidney Disease – E-Kidney: Dec. 2012. Retrieved September 01, 2020, from

(4) Milam, R. (2016). Exercise Guidelines for Chronic Kidney Disease Patients. Journal of Renal Nutrition, 26(4), E23-E25.