Metformin and the Gut Microbiome
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Kidney Health
Diabetes is a disease affecting the way the body metabolizes glucose or sugar. Most people living with diabetes have type 2 (27 million), but even more people (86 million) have prediabetes: blood glucose is abnormal, but not high enough to be diabetes. Insulin is a hormone made by the pancreas which allows the body to use sugar as an energy source. In people with type 2 diabetes, their body creates this hormone, but their cells are resistant to it (they do not use it properly). There are a few risk factors associated with type 2 diabetes such as genetics, being overweight, metabolic syndrome, high glucose levels in the liver, pancreatic problems, and so many more.
One popular drug used in the treatment of type 2 diabetes is Metformin. Metformin is one of the oldest drugs meant for improving blood sugar control in those with type 2 diabetes. A recent study published in Nature has hinted that the successes of Metformin may be attributed to a different mechanism than previously thought. The study published by Wu et al. 2017, wanted to test the differences in the composition of the gut microbiome in those taking Metformin vs. placebo. The study found that metformin has strong effects on the gut microbiome. The results were then confirmed with a transfer of fecal samples to germ free mice to show that glucose tolerance was improved in mice that received metformin-altered microbiota.
To read the study, go to
Gut microbiome has been connected to health conditions
As of late, the gut microbiome has been connected to health conditions previously thought unrelated. While more and more is being found about the workings of the gut microbiome and the impact that it has on our metabolic processes we begin to beg the question “who is running the show?” More research on the microbiome is being initiated worldwide, and it is expected that popular therapies and treatments will come from what the Cleveland Business Journal lists as the #1 medical innovation of 2017, “modulation of the gut microbiome to treat disease.”
Diabetes is one of the biggest risk factors for CKD
Diabetes is one of the biggest risk factors for CKD, and roughly 45% of those with Type 2 diabetes will develop CKD in their lifetime. If you’re suffering from diabetes, the best ways to mitigate the damage done to the kidneys is through control of your diabetes, keeping blood pressure in the normal range, correcting any urinary tract infections, and avoiding medicines that may damage the kidneys (especially OTC medications). In addition to the previous options, probiotics may be a good option for you. The dietary supplement Renadyl™ is scientifically validated and clinically documented to maintain healthy kidney function through modulation of the gut microbiome. Renadyl™ and other options may be right for you!

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